Cheat Motive > Make Happy – Sets all motives to full and sets Mood to Happy.
Add to Family – Add the Sim to the current family.
Interaction Cheats are available by Shift + Clicking on objects and Sims once the player types in “testingcheats true” in the command console. Testingcheats – Enables certain cheats and Debug options when pressing Shift on Keyboard + clicking on an Object or a Sim. Sims.give_satisfaction_points – Adds a certain amount of Satisfaction Points to your Sim. (Very useful in case your Sim gets stuck). Resetsim – Resets your Sim to a default state. Motherlode – Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your Household. Matchspeedstereo – Lets you decide do you want the Stereo music to match with your time speed or not. Kaching / rosebud – Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your Household. Hovereffects – Shows/hides the white outline when hovering over an Object/Sim. Headlineeffects – Shows/hides Plumbob, Skill Bar and Thought/Speech bubbles above your Sims. Use 0 and 9 keyboard buttons to move the object up and down!īb.showhiddenobjects – Shows Hidden Debug Objects in Build Mode.īb.enablefreebuild – Lets you build on Lots anywhere at any time.Ĭas.fulleditmode – Unlocks all Create A Sim features when planning an outfit, changing a hairstyle etc.Ĭasclockspeed – Lets you decide how slow or fast will Sims move in Create A Sim.ĭeath.toggle – Removes death in your World.įreerealestate – Makes all houses free when purchasing them. Bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlocks locked Career Objects in Build Mode.īb.moveobjects – Lets you place objects without any limitations.